Palestinians Do not Exist in Israelis’ Consciousness

Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli professor of education at Hebrew University, lost her daughter in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem. Nurit turned her grief into a quest for justice – the end of the Israeli occupation, which she considers the reason for her daughter’s death, and the uprooting of racism from Israeli schools

Palestine in Israel School Books by Nurid Peled-Elhanan

Nurit’s Home Page:

Please view her video where she tells NURIT PELED: Palestinians do not exist in Israelis’ consciousness.

I have sent such a petition to some members of the Finnish Parliament:

Thinking of your children and the children of Gaza

Europe is making a big mistake by wanting to solve the Middle East problem by supporting Israel and covering up the atrocities committed by Israel. At this point, Europe goes over the lowest fence because it doesn’t want people to realize Europe’s part in Israel being so aggressive.

Without hundreds of years of oppression in Europe, Jews would not have had a reason to leave Europe, where their relatives lived for more than 1,000 years. Unilaterally supporting one party from the Middle East becomes a bill that our children must pay when the collective conscience starts ringing due to the wrongdoings.

The success of the current European-backed policy would require that soldiers kill all Palestinians. It certainly wouldn’t have been possible without the Third World War. Europe should have the backbone to stand behind what it has done. It starts with condemning all violence. It does not erase the sins committed by our ancestors, but it prevents us from making more mistakes that future generations will be ashamed of. The demand for equality also concerning Israel would give us reason to be proud of our actions, even the current ones.

Make Peace, not War!

Ilkka Yelling Rosa Pakarinen

Tallennettu kategorioihin Demokratia, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Palestinians Do not Exist in Israelis’ Consciousness

Demand Ceasefire in the Middle East Now!

Please forward this postcard to support a ceasefire in the Middle East.

2023-11-11 Demand Ceasefire in the Middle East Now with Text 01

Thank you!

Tallennettu kategorioihin Demokratia, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Demand Ceasefire in the Middle East Now!

Support Love in the Middle East Video

2021-01-23 Abstraktio 02 E03

2021-01-23 Abstraktio 02 E02

What to Do

What can we ordinary people do other than march in protests? We can contact the MP we voted for by phone or email.

Decision-makers can turn their backs on demonstrations, but not easily on the people when we approach the decision-makers personally.
I have sent a petition to my MP. He has not responded, but the more people contact him, the harder it is for him to close his eyes from the anger. Please do the same.

If you feel that this video might help in the search for peace, send  this link to your friends

Nos ege quoque pulchritudo

Id es plus facile pugnare pro pace cum tu habe aliquo alio in tuo mente quam bello et cruditate. Nos debe implere nostro accumulatorios. Ideo hoc ad vos tabula parvo:

Lingua Latina vulgaris

Meo Latino sine flexione


Puera erat in silva, sed nunc illa est in caelo et potestis facere nihil.

Puera esseba in silva, sed nunc illa es in caelo et vos pote facere nihil.

Puera esseva in le foreste, ma ora illa es in celo e vos pote facer nihil.

Tallennettu kategorioihin Ei kategoriaa, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Talous, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Support Love in the Middle East Video

The Love is the Weapon

Hello everybody,
I have seen that we ordinary people have only one weapon we can use against war machinery and hate, which is tearing us in pieces. It is love. I dream about the whole world doing something together. We could stand still for one minute simultaneously in the world and sing some melody. I have written one. Even if I have finished the work, I’ll send it here.

The idea of that song is that the world gives so much love to Mr. Biden that he feels terrible and thinks of something other than dropping bombs over the world. If he keeps this strategy alive, it will lead him to a situation where he must use more and more weapons. I just read that he has demanded that one social media platform must shut down. I don’t know if this is true, but controlling is spreading in the Western world like it has done in Russia earlier.

If some reason prevents me from finishing this song, I hope that one of you will sing it and add a couple of verses to it. I am about to write about the hatred that Jews have experienced in the world and how that hate keeps them on their toes the whole time. When the USA gives Jews weapons instead of physical strength, the hate train keeps on running. These events won’t be suitable for humanity. All this nonsense is coming back to us in some way, sooner or later, and the hate is even more significant than it is today.

Love is the Weapon 01

Please click the picture to enlarge it.

Tallennettu kategorioihin Demokratia, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Musiikki, Poetry, Runous, Talous, Tietotekniikka, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa The Love is the Weapon

Save the Children in Gaza

I am puzzled, as I am sure many others are, how it is possible to cut off electricity, food shipments, and water supply in an area of Gaza where half of the residents are under 18 years old. Israel’s actions meet the hallmarks of war crimes.

Western European governments have addressed this injustice less than the fact that Israel has the right to defend itself. Protecting children’s lives and defending Israel are not opposites. Israel can defend itself even if food and medicine shipments are allowed to Gaza, and the supply of water and electricity in the area is guaranteed.

Without going into too much detail about the situation in the Middle East, I hope all people will put aside ideology, politics, and religion. Put your conscience first and do everything to save the children of Gaza. When their lives are guaranteed, start arguing again among yourselves about who owns the land where Palestinians and Israelis live. Protecting children’s lives is not a matter of opinion. It is the duty of all of us as human beings.

Yelling Rosa

PS If you feel we should prioritize the children’s lives, please forward this message. You can also write your petition for the children of Gaza, and feel free to quote excerpts from this article without mentioning my name.

2023-10-30 Make Peace, Not War 01

2023-10-30 Fate le pace non la guerra 01 Piccolo

Tallennettu kategorioihin Ei kategoriaa, In English, Kielet, Linux, Literature, Luonto, Talous, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Save the Children in Gaza

Translating Interlingua

Some aids to find out if we have a correct translation from English into Interlingua

 Ashampoo_Snap_keskiviikko 25. lokakuuta 2023_03h51m17s_002_

Here are the links for the applications I mentioned



Please click me




Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Interlingua, Italian kieli, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kuvataide, Latina, Literature, Tietotekniikka, Visual Arts, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Translating Interlingua

Me olemme yksin yhdessä tässä yksinäisyydessä; We Are Alone Together in This Loneliness

Viime aikoina olen kohdannut itseni lisäksi muita ihmisiä, jotka kysyvät itseltään, onko yhteisyyden puute minun vikani. Niin minä kuin muutkin ovat miettineet sitä, olisinko jossain muualla vähemmän yksin. Tässä myllerryksessä mieleeni on tullut ystäväni sanat, että kun ihminen on sinut itsensä kanssa, hän on kotonaan, vaikka rotankolossa. Hänen mukaansa muutos parempaan alkaa itsensä palkitsemisesta. Olen tämän tien kulkija loppuun asti niin kuin jokainen meistä. Syyllisen hakeminen meistä itsestämme tai muista ei meitä auta. Ajatuksien pyöritteleminen sai minut kirjoittamaan seuraavan runon.

Maailma erkanee itsestään

Me synnymme yksin
ja me kuolemme yksin.
Se ei ole kenenkään vika.
Se on maailma,
joka erkanee
© Yelling Rosa

2023-10-21 The World Diverges © Yelling Rosa

We Are Alone Together in This Loneliness

Recently, I have encountered other people besides myself who ask themselves if the lack of commonality is my fault. I and others have wondered if I would be less alone elsewhere. In this turmoil, my friend’s words have come to mind that when a person is at peace with himself, he is at home, even in a rat hole. According to him, the change for the better starts with rewarding yourself. I am a traveler on this road until the end, like each of us. Blaming ourselves or others does not help us. Rolling my thoughts led me to write the following poem.

The World Diverges

We are born alone
And we will die
It’s nobody’s fault,
It is the world
Diverges from
© Yelling Rosa

Tallennettu kategorioihin Demokratia, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Me olemme yksin yhdessä tässä yksinäisyydessä; We Are Alone Together in This Loneliness


Tyhjä kortti on sinun terveisiäsi varten.

The blank card is for you to write your own greetings.


2023-01-04 Hauskaa viikonloppua 03

2023-01-04 Happy Weekend 03

2023-10-01 Pintarrajo 07 E10

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Tietotekniikka, Visual Arts, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa HYVÄÄ VIIKONLOPPUA/HAPPY WEEKEND

Paljon on meneillään; A Lot is Going On.

In the video, I read thoughts from my collection “A Lot is Going On,” published in 1994.
The video has English subtitles.

The Arts Council of Lapland and the Workers’ Foundation of Tornio funded the book.

Finnish English
Jos ei tiedä,
mikä on oikein,
on tehtävä se,
mikä ei ole väärin.
© Yelling Rosa
If you don’t know
What is right,
You have to do
What’s not wrong.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Vastuun antaminen
on paras suoja
negatiivisuutta vastaan.
© Yelling Rosa
Giving responsibility
is the best protection
against negativity.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Katselen kaunista.
Mykistyn ja säästyn
© Yelling Rosa
I’m looking at the beauty.
I am dumbfounded
and saved from speech.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Turha taistella.
Lapset voittavat.
© Yelling Rosa
No need to fight;
Kids will win.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Onnellinen katsoo
kunnes lakkaa
tietämättä ensimmäistä,
odottamatta viimeistä.
© Yelling Rosa
The happy creature is watching
Until he stops once and for all
Without knowing the beginning
Without waiting for the end.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
on ainoa
© Yelling Rosa
Is the only
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Pelko vääristää
muodon ja sisällön.
© Yelling Rosa
Fear distorts
Form and intuition.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Milloin en tiedä,
© Yelling Rosa
When I don’t know
I’m chattering.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
että kaikki vaikuttaa kaikkeen,
mutta olisi inhimillisempää
että kaikki on yksi.
© Yelling Rosa
They say
that everything affects everything,
but it would be more humane
to mention
that one is everything.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***
Mikä pysyy,
on se mitä saa.
© Yelling Rosa
What remains
Will stay.
© Yelling Rosa
*** ***

About the Translation

Translating poetry from one language to another is problematic. The most common phrases can have meanings in the source language that do not exist in the target language. It is possible to convey these meanings to a foreign language by using the associations of the target language. In this case, the poem runs away from the language that is a relatively new poem based on original ideas. I am faithful to the original text, and I hope you will get some idea of my thoughts thanks to my tones and illustrations.

If you like the video, please send this link
to your friends. YouTube doesn’t account for the views outside its forum for some reasons. So, I hope that some of you can view the video on YouTube.

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Literature, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Uskonto, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Paljon on meneillään; A Lot is Going On.

Could You Wipe My Face

Background of this song:

At the beginning of the ’90s, I saw a dream where the dying tree stopped me and asked me to console her. The first thing in the morning, when I still remembered my dream, I opened my recorder and sang the story on the tape by accompanying myself on the piano. After the instant music session, I made only a few corrections to the lyrics and added the intro, which also served as an interlude. I called the song “Ystävä voisitko kasvoni pyyhkiä“(My Friend Could You Wipe My Face).

In 1996 I made a Music Album, Hiljaisia lauluja (Tranquil Songs), with a Finnish musician and my good friend Jouni Juola. Because the theme of the album was “Perishableness ja calmness” Ystävä voisitko kasvoni pyyhkiä was like it has made for it. Jouni sang the songs on the album, but we played the instruments together. Also, Jouni’s songs are on the album. This autumn (2014), when I translated the lyrics into English, I omitted the words My Friend from the title. I published the video on 6/23, 2013.

I included in this post both the lyrics and notes of the song. It takes more room on the screen, but I am sure those who like to follow notes will appreciate this effort. They don’t have to click on the other home page to see them.


Could You Wipe My Face (Yelling Rosa)


Once upon a time, when I saw the dying tree
that gently touched my hand and said in a husky voice:
“Could you take your T-shirt off and wipe my wet face with it,
could you help me and wipe my face, dear friend?
I spread my boughs towards the blue sky, but I can’t breathe.
There is no longer oxygen left for me.”
I shrugged and briefly told her:
“I am not the sun and certainly not the wind that clears the air.”
I am nothing more than an oil-stained dirty streamer at this time.
I’m only fumes of pollution. I’m just an oil-stained dirty streamer at this time.
I’m only fumes of pollution.”


“It doesn’t matter what you are because you can stay
and be my companion tonight when this pilgrimage
everlasting makes it back to the beginning
when this wandering gets back to the beginning.”
All night long, I heard the agonizing rattle
but lastly, the tree collapsed with a huge grumble.
When she weakly lifted her head once and for all
and thanked me for being her guardian, I gave her my hand.
Thus, it was easier for her to go away,
easier to vanish away. Sure, I held her hand tight
so it was easier for her to leave from here for good.


Sure, I held her hand tight so it was easier
for her to leave from here for good.
Sure, I held her hand tight so it was easier
for her to leave from here for good.

Music and words © Yelling Rosa



I hope you enjoy listening to this song and perhaps think how much nature needs gentle love from us to feel better and survive as long as the last human beings and even longer.

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Musiikki, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Tietotekniikka, Visual Arts, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Could You Wipe My Face