Ingrian example sentences from Wiktionary, the free dictionary 01

There are many ways of writing Ingrian. For example, people in Soikkola (Metsäkylä) write “vasara” in this way “vaššara”. I have used written language on my table.

Ingrian example sentences from Wiktionary, the free dictionary




raja, sb.

Meijen kylä ono Viron rajal.

Our village is on the border with Estonia.

suma, sb.

Valja otti suman, pani bukvarin summaa ja laati
paljton päälle.

Valja took [her] bag, put a primer into the bag and
put an overcoat on.

taivas, sb.

Jo entisist ajoist, päiväist päivää inmihiset näkivät, jot
päivyt liikkuu taivast mööt.

Already since ancient times, day in day out people saw, that the Sun moves along the sky.

vasara, sb.

Jurmast jooksoot pakkaiset, niku vasaranka

Briskly the frosts set in, like with a hammer they knock.

yhtehys, sb.

Elokkain elo ono yhtehyes kasvoloin elon kera.

The life of animals is in a connection with the life of

Miuld porotta hammast

I have a toothache

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