Latino sine flexione, lectio tertio, exemplos I

I found a booklet of 100 examples produced by Peano’s online. Next, I will post these examples on this blog. The work takes time because Peano has not included a Latin or English translation for all the examples. I try to find the correct translations on Wikipedia or elsewhere, where I can freely take them. When I don’t find freely used translations, I translate the example into Latin or English; often, both languages are missing.

Over the past year, a lot of Sine Flexione material that was there has disappeared from the internet. These 100 examples were also online a month ago. I’m still trying to find them somewhere online so that those who want can get Peano’s samples for themselves. At the beginning of the booklet, Giuseppe mentions that their use is permitted and even recommended.

Ok, I found the functional link for the examples:

Latino sine flexione




Sol fulge.

Sol fulget.

The sun shines.


Avi vola.

Avis volat.

The bird flies.


Oculo vide, dente ede.

Oculus videt, dens edet.

Look with the eye, eat with the tooth.
Literally: The eye
sees, and the tooth eats.


Homo propone, et Deo dispone.

Homo proponit, et Deus disponit.

Man proposes, God disposes.


Verbo vola, scripto mane.

Verba volant, scripta manent.

Words fly, writings remain.


Verbo move, exemplo trahe.

Verba movent, exempla trahunt.

The move will draw examples.


Homo erra.

Errare humanum est.

To err is human.


Leone es forte.

Leo est fortis.

The lion is strong.


Lupo es fero, rosa es flore.

Lupus est ferus, rosa est flos.

The wolf is wild, the rose is a flower.


Tempore es moneta.

Tempus moneta est.

Time is money.

Forma bonum fragile est

Yelling Rosa 2018
Beauty is fleeting blessing

Kategoria(t): In English, Interlingua, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Latina, Latino Sine Flexione, Literature, Luonto, Poetry, Runous, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen Avainsana(t): , , , , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.