Death Made Faces outside My WIndow

Death made faces outside my window. That’s not a problem. I’ve been waiting for her. If you’re wondering why I think of death as a woman, I can tell you. There are two genders of death in the universe. When she’s looking for a living being, she’s the opposite gender.

Sitting with me at the coffee table, death asked me, ”Why are you so happy to see me?”

I answered that I wanted to wake up from this dream people call life. Then, when you’re in contact with a human after me, tell those English people to devise a singular third-person neuter pronoun. They sound out of their minds when they say ’they are here,’ even though only one person is in the corridor.

”Is there anything else you wanted” smiled Fortuna.

”No, I don’t know if the afterlife exists, but I talked about a singular third-person neuter pronoun because it would be hell if I heard that they are here and I saw only one person in front of my eyes.

Then she left without killing me. I was so surprised that I said out loud: ”They went out neglecting their duties.

”All right, all right, she came back. ”I am not they. That’s a really annoying invention. I promise to speak about it with the angel of Life.”

© Yelling Rosa

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Poetry, Runous, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Jätä kommentti

Kanerva, Heather, Calluna vulgaris

This photograph is from The aurhor is Bernd Haynold, Dual License GFDL and CC-by-sa.

A couple of sentences relate to the forest and its heathers:




Miä oon soomalain mees kumpa suvvaamiin metsää.

I am a Finnish man who loves the peace of the forest.

Me es uno homine finnico qui ama pace de silva.

Kankaal kasvaa kanervoja.

Heather grows in the moraine land.

Calluna vulgaris cresce in harenoso solo.

Read more about the Heather in English here.

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Inkeroismurteet, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Latina, Latino Sine Flexione, Luonto, Suomen kieli, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Kanerva, Heather, Calluna vulgaris

2025-01-07 Miun runoloja, My verses

Leonardo.Ai generated the Human DNA images in this article.




Höö evät koole

They are immortal

jokko kulkoot
vessiin pääl,
evät koole.

are immortal
who walk
on water.

Yelling Rosa




Nöyrä syän

A Humble Heart

Nöyrä syän
ku kukkaa

A humble heart
Dances in
When nobody

Yelling Rosa

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Inkeroismurteet, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Tietotekniikka, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa 2025-01-07 Miun runoloja, My verses

Homo stupidus and Nuclear Birth Control

I’m really tired of hearing people brag about how smart they are.
If we are objective, humans have not done anything to get their intelligence, or can you say that you gave birth to the first single-celled life? Perhaps you think that you create oxygen and water. If not, stop singing that fucking ode for humans instead of evolution. You call yourself sapiens, but I call you homo stupidus. Mother Earth has created the most developed brain, but you can’t use them. Or do you know any animals so stupid that they would destroy themselves? Legend says that lemmings jump off cliffs only to reduce the population. You homo bragging have invented a birth control pill but somehow feel it isn’t enough. Humankind needs nuclear birth control.

There is one life that gets every living being, and fire gets every tree. It is arrogant to elevate humans above the summons of life and evolution.
© Yelling Rosa

This desolation picture is generated with free mode.

Stupidus from Wiktionary



From stup(eō) (“I am stunned, benumbed”) +‎ -idus (suffix denoting tendence).



stupidus (feminine stupida, neuter stupidum); first/second-declension adjective

  1. senseless, stunned, amazed

  2. stupid; dull

  1. Synonyms: fatuus, īnsipiēns, stultus, āmēns, dēmēns, brūtus

Antonyms: callidus, prūdēns, sapiēns, sollers


First/second-declension adjective.


Derived terms

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Latina, Literature, Luonto, På svenska, Poetry, Runous, Tietotekniikka, Venäjän kieli, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Homo stupidus and Nuclear Birth Control

Finding Ingrian Words is a Time-consuming Task

Finding Ingrian words is a time-consuming task. I look them up on Wiktionary, the Dictionary of Ingrian Dialects, and the Finnish-Karelian Dictionary. Sometimes I browse Vepsian poems to get ideas.

It took me over 2 hours to compile the vocabulary table below. I am gradually adding these words to the Ingrian-English-Finnish table. Now that three-language table contains over 20 A4 pages in pdf format.

Please go and browse the table, which is in PDF format and which you can copy for your own use, as long as you follow the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and mention Wiktionary and my name, Yelling Rosa, because the Finnish column is mine.

ain, adv. always, on and on aina, jatkuvasti
koikka, sb. bed sänky
hupa, adj. weak; bad (of bad quality) huono, heikko; huonolaatuinen
mutara, adj. strange outo
tormi, sb. storm myrskky
sattaa, vb. to rain sataa
tähekäs, adj. starry (having lot of stars) tähtinen
sananverto, sb. proverb sananlasku
Wiktionary Wiktionary © Yelling Rosa

Please browse my Ingrian -English -Finnish Word Table here
You can read more about Ingrian here

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Interlingua, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Literature, Livvinkarjala, Suomen kieli, Tietotekniikka, Vepsän kieli, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Finding Ingrian Words is a Time-consuming Task

The Madman: Her Parables and Poens by Kahlil Gibran and it’s translation Dementulo by Brian E. Drake

I have uploaded an excerpt from Kahlil Gibran’s The Madman: Her Parables and Poems, translated into Ido by Brian E. Drake. I hope the excerpt makes you read the whole book in English and Ido.

The Fron Cover of the Translation

Dementulo the front cover

About Brian E. Drake from Wikipedio

Brian E. Drake was born in 1957 (Lawrence, Kansas, USA). He is interested in several languages and has studied several of them. He has studied Esperanto since 2002 but found Ido to be more excellent and rational, and he has studied it since 2008.


The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Madman: His Parables and Poems by Kahlil Gibran, read the book

La Sonambuli

The Sleep-Walkers

En la urbo ube me naskis habitis homino e

lua filiino qui sonambulis.

In the town where I was born lived a woman and her daughter, who
walked in their sleep.

Ulnokte, silenco envolvante la mondo, la

homino e lua filiino marchanta dormante

renkontris l’una l’altra en lia nebuloza


One night, while silence enfolded the world, the woman and her daughter, walking, yet asleep, met in their mist-veiled garden.

E la matro parolis e dicis: ‘Fine, fine, mea

enimiko! Tu per qua mea yuneso destruktesis ― qua konstruktis tua vivo sur

la ruini dimea! Utinam me povas mortigar


And the mother spoke, and she said: “At last, at last, my enemy! You by whom my youth was destroyed—who have built up your life upon the ruins of mine! Would I could kill you!”

E la filiino parolis e dicis: ‘Ho odiinda

homino, egoista ed olda! Tu stacante inter

mea libera ipso e me! Tu qua deziras ke mea

vivo esez eko di tua propra pala vivo!

Utinam tu mortas!’

And the daughter spoke, and she said: “O hateful woman, selfish and old! Who stand between my freer self and me! Who would have my life an echo of your own faded life! Would you were dead!”

Tainstante hanulo kriis, e la amba

homini vekis. La matro
tenere dicis, ‘Ka tu

es hike, karino?’ E la
filiino tenere

respondis, ‘Yes, karino.’

At that moment a cock crew, and both women awoke. The mother said
gently, “Is that you, darling?” And the daughter answered
gently, “Yes, dear.”

Translated in the Ido language by Brian E. Drake, the whole
translation, here

Tallennettu kategorioihin Yleinen | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa The Madman: Her Parables and Poens by Kahlil Gibran and it’s translation Dementulo by Brian E. Drake

Jottai se miäki ymmärrän; Something I Do Understand, Qualcosa io comprende

Jottai se miäki ymmärrän.

Miun pittää läätä messän kera.

Hääki tarvitsoo rakkautta

niku kaik elon olendit.

© Yelling Rosa


2015-04-17 Metsä 02 SG




Jottai se miäki ymmärrän.

Something I do understand.

Qualcosa io comprende.

Miun pittää läätä messän kera.

I need to talk to the forest.

Io debe parlar con le foreste.

Hääki tarvitsoo rakkautta

It needs love

Il ha besonio de amor

niku kaik elon olendit.

like all living creatures.

como tote le creaturas vivente.

© Yelling Rosa  2024-11-19


Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Inkeroismurteet, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Literature, Luonto, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Tietotekniikka, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , , , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa Jottai se miäki ymmärrän; Something I Do Understand, Qualcosa io comprende

1894 Esperanto Reform Project

In 1894, L. L. Zamenhof, who was the original creator of the constructed language Esperanto, proposed a complete series of reforms to Esperanto (in other words, an Esperantido). It is notable as the only complete Esperantido to be authored by Zamenhof himself, and it was presented in response to various reforms that had been proposed by others since the language’s publication in 1887. The project was eventually rejected by the language’s speakers, and subsequently even by Zamenhof himself. Some of the proposed reforms were used in another constructed language, Ido, beginning in 1907.

Read the rest of this article at

Felica Kristnasko
I’ve created a free Christmas postcard in the Ido language for you.

2024-10-28 Felica Krstnasko

Later, I’ll upload Christmas cards in English and Finnish to this blog.

Tallennettu kategorioihin Demokratia, Esperanto, Ido, In English, Juhlapäivät, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Latino Sine Flexione, Literature, Poetry, Runous, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa 1894 Esperanto Reform Project

You Can’t Hide from the Nature

You Can’t Hide from the Nature

Birds are chasing me.
Running behind the modern
I try to hide myself.
In vain, birds find me again.
© Yelling Rosa

Vu ne povas celar de la naturo

Ave chasas me.
Kuranta dope la moderna
Me probas celar me.
Vane, uceli trovas me itere.
© Yelling Rosa

PS The second poem might have errors because I need more experience with the Ido language. The translator has translated the poem. Ave should be uceli (plural of ucelo)

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Literature, Poetry, Tietotekniikka, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen | Avainsanoina , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa You Can’t Hide from the Nature

I Will Stand for a Child

I Will Stand for a Child (Yelling Rosa)

I’m singing from the bottom of my heart to make
The world a peaceful heaven.
Please, Mother Earth, release your angels from the woods
We’ve fully disregarded.

Let your supernatural creatures tell us there
Is one God equitable.
He gives every living being a spirit and
Redeems it when the time’s up.

Oh, Mother Earth, give me strength,
To stand for a child.
No matter what, the leaders
Or books say.

Please give me a sign that it is the worst of sins
to steal the life of a child,
so that I have the strength to defend God’s gift
whatever books are telling.

Oh, Mother Earth, give me strength,
To stand for a child
No matter what, the leaders
or books say.

Listen to the song by clicking the link below:

About the Background of the Song

I wrote these Lyrics in the fall of 2023. I made them match the melody of ”Niin minä neitonen sinulle laulan.” At that time, not many people wanted to talk about the fate of the Palestinians. I hoped that my song will help a little with the situation. Unfortunately, nobody paid any attention to the music.

Last autumn’s version is an instrumental, and the YouTube video follows the words with a musical score. I would have loved to sing that ”I Will Stand for a Child” song, but with no teeth, the English language sounds like crap. Now I tried the AI ​​Generator Suno. The result is surprisingly good because the machine brings out the atmosphere and message of that song surprisingly well. I hope that this version gets more attention than the instrumental version.

Yelling Rosa

PS. Please send the link to this song forward. It might open people’s eyes.

Tallennettu kategorioihin In English, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Literature, Musiikki, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta | Avainsanoina , , | Kommentit pois päältä artikkelissa I Will Stand for a Child