I found the Base de Interlingua, an article that consists of 23 pages. I have extracted two pages from the beginning of the article. It tells a lot of the things which haven’t been clear to me before. This article doesn’t follow the rules Giuseppe Peano has given us. Here, we have, for example, the imperfect form of the verb. Peano is the director of this edition, but I don’t know if he has written everything by himself.
Interlingua habe base exclusivamente latina, non solum quia base
commune de majore parte de linguas de Europa es latina, sed
specialmodo quia latino es supranationale, id es acceptato ab omne
populos, docto in omne schola superiore de toto mundo civile. Nulla
alia lingua praesenta isto charactere mundiale et ista
Tres objectiones es facto contra ista
1. difficultate de grammatica latina (declinatione,
conjugatione, etc.). Ista difficultate es victa, nam Interlingua
supprime omne elemento grammaticale non necessario et redde
grammatica de una facilitate sine exemplo in linguas nationale. Quasi
omne flexione es inutile; suppressione de flexiones reduce grammatica
latina ad quasi nihil.
2. latino contine multum
vocabulos incomprehensibili (sine studio)
pro illos que non cognosce latino. Ad
ista objectione nos responde que majore
parte de isto vocabulos mortue es inutile nam latino
contine multo synonymos et
per selectione opportuna inter differente synonymos es quasi semper
possibile uter solum vocabulos, intelligibile ad primo visu, etiam
pro illos qui non cognosce latino.
3. Lingua latino non
suffice ad exprimere omne necessitate de cultura moderna. Sed
latino uso ab Interlingua, nos es solum latino classico, sed latino
in sensu lato, locupletato cum vocabulos moderno, latino que esseba
uso, usque ad pauco tempore ante, ab omne docto que voleba
intellecto in toto mundo, et ad illo Interlingua adjunge adjunge
vocabulos moderno internationale que ad latino defice. Versione in
fine de presente libro demonstra plena sufficentia
de Interlingua ad expressione
de omne cogitatione moderna.
Ergo Interlingua:
1. adopta lingua latina ut lingua
2. recurre ad duo temperamentos,
de que primo supprime quasi completamente grammatica et secundo duce
ad non utere que vocabulos intelligibile pro omnes. Vocabulario
Internationale de Basso contine
20,000 vocabulos que es latino internationale, id es latino que vive
in plurimo linguas de Europa et es ergo intelligibile etiam ad illos
que non cognosce latino.
The Google translation from classical Latin to English
Interlingua has an exclusively Latin
base, not only because you are Latin based on the common base of most
of the languages of Europe, but especially because Latin is
supranational, that is, you are accepted by all peoples, taught in
every higher school of the entire civilized world. No other language
presents this worldly character and this neutrality.
There are three objections
against this adoption:
1. difficulty with Latin grammar
(declension, conjugation, etc.). You have overcome this difficulty,
for Interlingua suppress every grammatical element that is not
necessary and return the grammar of one facility without example to
the national languages. It is as if you are useless at all bending;
by suppressing the inflections, reduce Latin grammar to almost
2. Latin contains a lot of
incomprehensible terms (without study) for those who do not know
Latin. To this objection answer us that for the greater part of this
term you are dead useless, for Latin contains many synonyms, and by
an appropriate selection among different synonyms it is as if always
possible to choose the only terms, intelligible at first sight, even
for those who do not know Latin.
3. The Latin language is not
sufficient to express everything necessary about modern culture. But
I use Latin from Interlingua, we only use classical Latin, but Latin
in a broad sense, enriched with modern terms, the Latin that was
used, until a short time ago, by every scholar who wanted to be
understood in the whole world, and add to that Interlingua attach the
modern international terms that fail to Latin. The version at the end
of the present book demonstrates the full sufficiency (sufficiency)
of Interlingua for the expression of all modern thought.
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When you have installed LibreOffice Suite and spellchecker, you |
The Other links that are connected to this post |
Base de Interlingua PDF -document |
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/Manuale_Practico.pdf |
Latino sine Flexione English online Glosbe dictionary |
De Latino sine Flexione; Principio de |
Download De Latino sine Flexione; Principio de |
100 exemplo de interlingua by Giuseppe Peano |
100 exemplo de
interlingua 21 – 33, Wikisource
Latino sine flexione |
Latina |
English |
38 |
Necessitate ne habe lege. |
Necessitas non habet legem. |
Necessity has no law. |
39 |
Critica es facile, arte ne facile |
Censura facilis est, et ars difficilis |
Criticism is easy, and art is difficult. |
40 |
Omni rosa habe spina |
Non est rosa sine spina. |
There is no rose without a thorn. |
41 |
Omni animale ama se |
Omne animal seipsum diligit |
Every animal loves itself. |
42 |
Labore vince omni re |
Labor omnia vincit. |
Work conquers all. |
43 |
Otio gene omni vitio. |
Otium omnia vitia parit |
Idleness breeds all vices. |
44 |
Ubi bene, ibi patria. |
Ubi bonum, ibi patria. |
Where comfort is, there’s homeland. |
45 |
Qui invide, es caeco. |
Caeca invidia est. |
Envy is blind. |
46 |
Commune periculo gene concordia. |
Commune periculum concordiam gignit |
Common risk creates harmony. |
47 |
Homo forte es clemente. |
Inest clementia forti. |
There is grace in the strong ones. |
48 |
Homo prudente muta consilio |
Prudentis est mutare consilium. |
It is wise to change the policy. |
49 |
Nemo propheta in patria |
Nemo propheta acceptus est in patria sua. |
No one prophet is accepted in his own country. |
50 |
Homo crede quod spera. |
Quod quisque sperat, credit |
Man believes what he wishes. |