Why Am I Sad/Cur triste sum

Why Am I Sad

Why am I sad?
Why can’t I do anything?
Fate has stuffed me with ideas,
But has forgotten to give me
The resources.
Now, I walk and blame myself.
How happy would I be
If I thought less and I could do
© Yelling Rosa

2024-03-23 If You Want to Survive 03 E05 SG

Cur triste sum

Cur triste sum?
Cur nihil facere possum?
Fato habet farcito me
cum ideas sed oblitterābat
dare ad me facultates.
Nunc ambulo et vituperō me.
Quam felice mi esseream
si cogito minus
et possum facere
© Yelling Rosa

Kategoria(t): In English, Interlingua, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Latina, Latino Sine Flexione, Literature, Luonto, Musiikki, Runous, Tietotekniikka, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen Avainsana(t): , , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.