Palestinians Do not Exist in Israelis’ Consciousness

Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli professor of education at Hebrew University, lost her daughter in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem. Nurit turned her grief into a quest for justice – the end of the Israeli occupation, which she considers the reason for her daughter’s death, and the uprooting of racism from Israeli schools

Palestine in Israel School Books by Nurid Peled-Elhanan

Nurit’s Home Page:

Please view her video where she tells NURIT PELED: Palestinians do not exist in Israelis’ consciousness.

I have sent such a petition to some members of the Finnish Parliament:

Thinking of your children and the children of Gaza

Europe is making a big mistake by wanting to solve the Middle East problem by supporting Israel and covering up the atrocities committed by Israel. At this point, Europe goes over the lowest fence because it doesn’t want people to realize Europe’s part in Israel being so aggressive.

Without hundreds of years of oppression in Europe, Jews would not have had a reason to leave Europe, where their relatives lived for more than 1,000 years. Unilaterally supporting one party from the Middle East becomes a bill that our children must pay when the collective conscience starts ringing due to the wrongdoings.

The success of the current European-backed policy would require that soldiers kill all Palestinians. It certainly wouldn’t have been possible without the Third World War. Europe should have the backbone to stand behind what it has done. It starts with condemning all violence. It does not erase the sins committed by our ancestors, but it prevents us from making more mistakes that future generations will be ashamed of. The demand for equality also concerning Israel would give us reason to be proud of our actions, even the current ones.

Make Peace, not War!

Ilkka Yelling Rosa Pakarinen

Kategoria(t): Demokratia, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen Avainsana(t): , , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.