Support Love in the Middle East Video

2021-01-23 Abstraktio 02 E03

2021-01-23 Abstraktio 02 E02

What to Do

What can we ordinary people do other than march in protests? We can contact the MP we voted for by phone or email.

Decision-makers can turn their backs on demonstrations, but not easily on the people when we approach the decision-makers personally.
I have sent a petition to my MP. He has not responded, but the more people contact him, the harder it is for him to close his eyes from the anger. Please do the same.

If you feel that this video might help in the search for peace, send  this link to your friends

Nos ege quoque pulchritudo

Id es plus facile pugnare pro pace cum tu habe aliquo alio in tuo mente quam bello et cruditate. Nos debe implere nostro accumulatorios. Ideo hoc ad vos tabula parvo:

Lingua Latina vulgaris

Meo Latino sine flexione


Puera erat in silva, sed nunc illa est in caelo et potestis facere nihil.

Puera esseba in silva, sed nunc illa es in caelo et vos pote facere nihil.

Puera esseva in le foreste, ma ora illa es in celo e vos pote facer nihil.

Kategoria(t): Ei kategoriaa, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Literature, Luonto, Talous, Tietotekniikka, Uskonto, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen Avainsana(t): , , , , . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.