Artificial Language Budinos for the Finno-Ugric Peoples

In my article The Modern Proto-Ugric language, I spoke about the need for the Artificial Finno-Ugric language. At that time, I hadn’t heard about Budinos constructed language designed by to be an international auxiliary language for speakers of Finno-Ugric languages. Budinos builds mainly on Udmurt and Hungarian but also has features from Finnish, Estonian, Mari, and other related languages.

The Case System

Case Singular Plural English
Nominative nejda nejdada girl(s)
Genitive nejdan nejdadan of girl(s)
Accusative neijdat neidadat the case of the object
Dative nejdale nejdadale to/for girl(s)

There are more cases, but I haven’t clue how to call them in English. I keep on studying the issue.

Some Words in Budinos

Budinos Finnish English
Amti antaa to give
Andesti antaa anteeksi to forgive
Mina minä I
Lilla kukka flower
Nejda tyttö, tytär girl, daughter
Vari odottaa to wait
Tina sinä you (sg.)
Choka suudelma kiss
Teki tehdä, toimia to do, to work
Tala talo house
Ela leipä bread
Ejaseva illallinen evening meal
Ato maukas, makea sweet, tasty (adj)

With the given knowledge, you can also try to build up sentences.

A Couple of Sentences

Budinos Finnish English
(Tina) varid chokat

(Sinä) odotat suudelmaa

you wait for a/the kiss
(Mina) amtin lillat nejdale (Minä) annan kukan tytölle I give a flower to the girl

Don’t throw your ax in the river. There is more to come as soon as I have translated the Russian Budinos Manual into English, at least a bit. Without checking, you don’t know what is waiting for you behind the corner.

Get my PDF by clicking this.

If anyone sees any typos or factual errors, please let me know so I can correct them. I am translating excerpts from Budinos’ Russian manual.

Kategoria(t): Budinos, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Literature, Luonto, Musiikki, Poetry, Runous, Suomen kieli, Venäjän kieli, Viron kieli, Visual Arts, Yhteiskunta Avainsana(t): . Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.