Super le monte de Carelia (ex parte in Latino sine flexione)

Ego ascendo super le monte
et adspicio patria meo,
que Finnos habe tacito in le oblivione.
Ego non le morte timeo,
nam proavos protegunt me.
Meo optatione ultimo
ad vos qui habe vetato discere
de le libertate de Carelia,
est ‘cinere meo spargitis
in Ladoga’.
Post illo licet per me
potestis assentire ad sententia,
de praesidente 1):
id non est importante
disputare restitutione
de civitate in oriente.
© Yelling Rosa
27/1 –21

1) One of our dear presidents replied to them, who wants to talk about the independence or restitution of Carelia that there is no need to talk about the east border because it has constantly changed. Perhaps she forgot that the eastern boundary was once situated in The Tornio river. All of our presidents after the year 1945 have skipped the Carelian question.

Kategoria(t): Demokratia, In English, Kielet, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Latina, Literature, Luonto, Poetry, Runous, Talous, Tietotekniikka, Yhteiskunta, Yleinen. Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.