Sententiae II

Erratae possibiles sunt propter imperitiam meam.

I have added in the brackets noun in the nominative case singular, the infinitive form of the verb and/or the grammar term(s).

Nos scimus si hinc ad aeternitatem imus, sed tamen rixamur inter nos. Id est ridiculum.

We don’t know if we go from here to eternity but we fight with one another anyway. That is ridiculous.

Ad mensam panem edo et aquam bibo.

I eat bread and drink water at the table.

Cum fele mea lusi (ludere III).

I played with my cat.

Cum psittaco (psittacus) meo ludo.

I play with my parrot.

In area ulmus magna crescit.

The big elm grows in the yard.

Hodie in urbem (urbs) ambulamus.

We walk today into the city.

In vase flores sunt et vas super mensam est.

The flowers are in the vase and the vase is on the table.

Rosae (rosa) albae pulchrae sunt.

White roses are beautiful.

Vide (imperativus) rosam albam et obliviscere curarum tuarum.

See the white rose and forget your troubles.

Nominis tui oblitus sum (tempus perfectus). I forgot your name.
Note: Latin perfect tense is often translated using the English past tense.
Kategoria(t): In English, Kielet, Kirjallisuus, Latina, Runous, Yleinen. Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.