Vanishing Point

Self-Potrait 001 by © Yelling Rosa

People break into me,
Fill the corridors of my mind with their stuff.
They throw objects upside down.
I blunder in my thoughts.
The connection to my soul breaks.
The core runs in the forest,
Is all alone and miserable.
I scream.
My spirit doesn’t hear.
The chatter of the crowd eats my voice.
I am in the social circuit.
I shun arguing.
I vanish.
© Yelling Rosa

Self-Potrait 002 by © Yelling Rosa

Kategoria(t): Demokratia, In English, Kielten tutkimista, Kirjallisuus, Kuvataide, Luonto, Runous, Yleinen. Lisää kestolinkki kirjanmerkkeihisi.